Young Adult

Young Adult NewsYoung Adult Events

St. Joe’s Young Adult ministry exists to bring people together and experience the life changing love of God through building a relationship with Him and each other.

Our hope is to provide opportunities for young adults to get to know one another, and experience the love of God together through prayer and community. Currently, the following opportunities are being provided:

  • Jameson and Jesus Events

    A once-a-month night out at The Workshop in the Ministry Center (Wayne Allen Building) located at 210 W. Wayne St. in Maumee. Enjoy Catholic Community and experience a thought-provoking theological topic presented by a spiritual leader from the St. Joe’s community.

    Jameson & Jesus events are on the first Tuesday of every month with an optional “dinner hour” beforehand from 6-7 pm for you to grab dinner with a friend or make it a date night, Jameson & Jesus from 7-8 pm, and a social hour from 8-9 pm. Pizza is free from 7-9 pm.

    Please park on the street or in the St. Joseph Catholic Church parking lot.

  • Sports Opportunities

    Provided on a weekly basis. Learn more about young adult sports opportunities below.

    Currently offering: Indoor Volleyball in the gym. Thursdays from 7-9pm (6:30pm mass beforehand) beginning October 2024.

  • Faith Sharing Small Group

    At St. Joe’s, we desire to form a community of faithful Catholics, striving to follow Jesus side by side with one another. To do that in an intentional way, we would invite you to join one of our Faith Sharing Small Groups.

    For more information on our Faith Sharing Small Groups CLICK HERE

  • Encounter "Nights of Worship"

    An evening for the whole parish. A night of prayer including Eucharistic Adoration, praise and worship music, reconciliation, and silent prayer. Every third Monday of the month from 7-8pm in the church.  Questions?  Connect with Maggie Viertlbeck in The Parish Office 567-302-1251

Are you a young adult athlete looking for some good healthy competition? If so, then we have some great sports opportunities for you!

Depending on the time of the year, we plan to offer volleyball (sand and indoor); other times we will offer basketball and kickball, depending on interest.

To find out what’s currently offered, please contact Brennan McNamara and subscribe to the “Young Adult Ministry” Flocknote group for email and text updates.