About St. Joseph Catholic School

Guided by the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph Catholic School and Preparatory provides a supportive learning environment to promote academic excellence and formation of moral character.

Teachers and parents model and share Christ’s teachings to assist students to best utilize their God-given talents in their learning and service to God, family, and community.

St. Joseph Catholic School has 338 students enrolled in Grades K-8 and 69 students enrolled in preschool as of October 29, 2024.

St. Joseph Catholic School/St. Joseph Maumee Preparatory admits students of any race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, religion, age, or ancestry to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities.  In addition, the school will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, religion, age, or ancestry in administration of its educational policies, scholarships, loans, fee waivers, educational programs, extracurricular activities including athletics.

St. Joseph Catholic Preschool offers 3 year old half day classes, 4 year old half day classes and a 4 year old all day class.

The teachers understand education starts at a young age, and put an emphasis on the word “school” in preschool.

St. Joseph Elementary School ranges from kindergarten through 5th grade.

Our teachers dedicate themselves to forming young boys and girls in mind, body and soul through the teachings of Jesus Christ.

St. Joseph Preparatory School is committed to making young men and women ready for a college-preparatory high school.

Here the teachers form students with a challenging yet understandable curriculum through education and extra curricular activities.

School Registration

To register, please contact the school office to check availability and to schedule a tour. Then you may register by contacting the School Office at 419-893-3304. Still discerning if this is the place for you? Feel free to reach out to us with any questions!




School Forms

Please click below for all necessary and informational forms.

Please call the School Office at 419-893-3304 for any questions.

School Faculty & Staff

Please reach out to our teachers with any questions. They are dedicated to bringing out the very best in every student.

  • Sr. Chiara

    Prep - Theology

  • Sr. Heart of Mary

    2nd Grade Theology - Library - Aide

  • Sr. Grace of Mary

    3rd - 5th Grade Theology

  • Andrea Ankenbrandt


  • Jennifer Bazeley-Wedly

    Title Tutor

  • Anne Bento

    Grade 4-B

  • Ashley Black


  • Bailey Balmer


  • Bridget Bock

    Grade 2-B

  • Joanne Brainard

    Director of Cafeteria

  • Kelly Cieslica

    3-yr. Preschool

  • Shelley Coulter

    Preschool Aide

School Organizations

St. Joseph Catholic School offers many different extra curricular activities for our students. Most of these organization titles are linked to a YouTube video for information.  For those organizations that do not have a link, please contact the School Office.

Sports - Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)

CYO is the parish and school sports organization run by the Diocese of Toledo.

Sports opportunities are offered for 1st through 12th grade students.

Generally, athletes must be registered parishioners at St. Joseph’s and actively involved in the life of the parish.

Below are the sports opportunities provided. All sport seasons are contingent upon reaching the required number of participants needed.

Fall Sports

Cross Country (K-8th), Soccer (1st-8th), Girls Volleyball (3rd-12th), Flag Football (3rd-4th), and we partner with Saint Joan of Arc for contact football (5th-8th)

Winter Sports

Boys and Girls Basketball (3rd-12th)

Spring Sports

Track and Field (4th-8th), Soccer (1st-8th), and Girls Softball (3rd-8th)

Fall Sports

Cross Country (K-8th), Soccer (1st-8th), Girls Volleyball (3rd-12th), Flag Football (3rd-4th), and we partner with Saint Joan of Arc for contact football (5th-8th)

Winter Sports

Boys and Girls Basketball (3rd-12th)

Spring Sports

Track and Field (4th-8th), Soccer (1st-8th), and Girls Softball (3rd-8th)

CYO Sports Registration

To register for any of the above sports please create an account or log into final forms at https://stjosephmaumee-oh.finalforms.com/

Got questions?

If you have any additional questions, please contact our Athletic Director, Monyca Uecker.

CYO Forms

Please download and fill in the following PDF.

Once completed, send this over to our Athletic Director, Monyca Uecker.

Monyca Uecker

Monyca Uecker

Athletic Director

Got questions?

If you have any additional questions, please contact our Athletic Director, Monyca Uecker.

Gym Banner Sponsors

We want to thank and acknowledge all of our sponsors for their support of our athletes and ministries at St. Joe’s.

If you are interested in sponsoring a banner with your business logo in our gym, please contact our Director of H.O.M.E., Abbie Spillis.

Abbie Spillis

Abbie Spillis

Director of H.O.M.E. (Hospitality, Outreach, Marketing, Engagement)


St. Joseph School was established in 1855 and we have many distinguished alumni.

If you wish to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date on the wonderful events at St. Joseph, please email our Director of H.O.M.E., Abbie Spillis.

Abbie Spillis

Abbie Spillis

Director of H.O.M.E. (Hospitality, Outreach, Marketing, Engagement)

Alumni Info Update

To update your information in the St. Joseph Alumni database, please use this form.

Contact Information

  • School Address

    112 W Broadway St
    Maumee, OH 43537

  • Office Phone

    (419) 893-3304

Child Protection

For the Diocese of Toledo’s Policy for the Protection of Minors and Young People, please see the document below.